Bisherige Preisträger*innen des Dietrich-Knorr-Preises
- 2023: PD Dr. med. Nadine Hornig, Kiel
"Formin-mediated nuclear actin at androgen receptors promotes transcription"
- 2022: keine Vergabe
- 2021: Dr. med. lsabel Wagner
"Diabetes Type 1 Negatively lnfluences Leydig Cell Function in Rats, Which is Partially Reversible By Insulin Treatment"
- 2020: keine Vergabe
- 2019: Dr. med. Hedi Claahsen - von der Grinten
"Adrenal Steroid Metabolites Accumulating in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Lead to Transadivation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor"
- 2018: Prof. Dr. med. Angela Hübner, Dresden
"Two patients with MIRAGE syndrome lacking haematological features: role of somatic second-site reversion SAMD9 mutations"
- 2017: Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Reinehr, Datteln
"Effect of Weight Loss on Puberty Onset in Overweight Children"
- 2016: Dr. med. Julia Rohayem, Münster
"Testicular growth and spermatogenesis: new goals for pubertal hormone replacement in boys with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism? - A multicentre prospective study of hCG/rFSH treatment outcomes during adolescence"
- 2015: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Binder, Tübingen
"Accuracy of Endocrine Tests for Detecting Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in Girls"
- 2014: Prof. Dr. Ammerpohl, Prof. Dr. Holterhus (beide Kiel)
"Androgen receptor function links human sexual dimorphism to DNA methylation PLOS One"